is tik tok safe: Tik Tok is safe for a children ?

 Tik Tok is safe for children or not?

   this app is for age 16+ mainly due to the privacy issues and mature content. TikTok requires that users be at least 13 years old to use the app and that anyone under the age of 18 must-have the approval of a parent or guardian but there are plenty of young tween users.

   Due to the emphasis of tik tok on popular music, many videos contain sexual songs so children do not age-appropriate for using them on their own. It's also easy to find people wearing revealing clothing and dancing suggestively, although If you supervise your kids and stick to songs you already know from the radio, TikTok can be a kid-friendly experience. 

    In 2019, after a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission for child privacy violations for all children under the age of 13 on the site, developers created a separate section for apps for kids that allowed them to access only curated, clean videos.

    tik tok is a social app and social network can be risky but it's possible for kids to safely use the app with adult supervision. most important is private account. 

    When you sign up for TikTok, your account is public meaning anyone can see your videos, send you direct messages, and use your location information.

    this application is also used by the children but all parents should pay attention to how their children are using the App.

  In 2019, after a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission for child privacy violations for all children under the age of 13 on the site, developers created a separate section for apps for kids that allowed them to access only curated, clean videos. so children also use it.

   Parents have to monitor their child's screen time.TikTok has taken positive steps by introducing an anti-addiction feature, which encourages users to take regular breaks from the App after 90 minutes.

  Parents should make sure to turn on all privacy settings for accounts kids are using, so only people you know can interact with your videos or message you on the app. That means either opting for a private account or changing the settings for comments, duets, reactions, and messages to "Friends" instead of "Everyone." You can also turn those features off completely. 

the tik tok app which was highly trending in this time. which apps videos are in trending on youtube, trending on facebook and also trending on social that tik tok is safe. 
